Our Campus
In 1989 the founders of the Congregational Church of Pinehurst, UCC purchased 11 acres of land, including more than seven acres of woods, to build our church on. Construction of the main church building was completed in 1993. It is comprised of three linked pavilions to convey a sense of community and warmth, and reflects the elements of the hometown churches of the original congregants, who came here from New England, the upper Midwest and the Southeast.
In 1999, we dedicated a new wing with offices and a meeting room. A beautiful brick-lined Memorial Garden and a children’s playground have been added within the past years.
We share our outdoor space with the deer and other wildlife that live in the woods. During the week, our indoor and outdoor spaces are filled with the joyful noise of the children of The Garden Montessori pre-school, The Garden Montessori which is housed in our church. During the spring and summer the children and their teachers tend a small but bountiful outdoor garden, and donate much of the produce to the local food bank.
The Community of Mindful Living in the Pines Buddhist Sangha conducts mindfulness meditation in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hahn in our sanctuary on Sundays at 4 PM.