Who We Are

The Congregational Church of Pinehurst (CCP), UCC, is called to follow Jesus’ way of love, justice and inclusion by recognizing and celebrating the diversity of God’s people.

The Congregational Church of Pinehurst, United Church of Christ, an official Open and Affirming church, celebrates the human spirit by welcoming all to its family of faith.

So, come to the Congregational Church of Pinehurst where we are the Body of Christ and at the same time still learning how to be the Body of Christ. We still have questions. We hope you will feel loved and accepted unconditionally, all the while knowing that sometimes we will fail. If you will forgive us and stay with us, we will figure it out.

Come to the Congregational Church of Pinehurst because we will offer you radical hospitality, but we will want you to become such a part of the body that soon it will be confusing as to who is the host offering hospitality and who is the guest receiving it. Though imperfect we will strive to go where the Gospel compels us and stand where its voice calls us. We will do this because Jesus did this. We will do this because the Christ Spirit which survived death is among us still at Congregational Church of Pinehurst, giving us the strength to keep these promises, the power to get back up when we have failed to keep them and the eyes to see that same Spirit living in you.

We won’t tell you what you have to be or believe but with that Spirit’s help we will create the space where we can ask our questions, explore our doubts, find our truth and become what we hope to be.

So, join us at the Congregational Church of Pinehurst. Come as you are, bring your family in whatever shape it comes and bring your questions, they also are welcome.